The Lighthouse Foundation

Committed to helping others overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

Supporting awareness

TJ and Amber Brodie started the Lighthouse Foundation, united in their mission to support and raise awareness for two deeply personal causes: cystic fibrosis (CF) and multiple sclerosis (MS).

TJ has watched his cousin live with and battle CF his entire life. After finally witnessing Ian successfully undergo a double lung transplant, TJ has been inspired to do as much as he can for CF research as well as organ donation.

In October 2015, Amber was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. MS is an autoimmune disease that can be visibly disabling or completely invisible to others and is in desperate need of research funding to find a cure.

Fundraising for these chronic illnesses is very important to them. They hold onto the hope that one day there may be a cure and that in the meantime, they can help give hope to the people affected by them.

If you know The Brodies', you know how much they love their children. Their daughter Severn and son Church. As The Lighthouse Foundation grows, they intend to support other causes close to their hearts, such as giving to local charities and providing sponsorships to help young athletes play the game they love.


Like Amber, 60% of Canadians diagnosed with MS are between 20 and 49 and 75% are women. Canada has one of the highest MS rates in the world.

There is no cure for MS.

MS is an unpredictable chronic disease where the body's immune system attacks the nervous system, leading to various symptoms including vision problems, muscle weakness, coordination issues and extreme fatigue. Its impact extends beyond health, affecting emotional and financial well-being.

Amber's own experience with MS drives her and TJ's dedication to this cause. Together, we can make a difference. Join us and be a part of the movement towards a cure.

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Cystic Fibrosis

Growing up in a close-knit rural community in southern Ontario, TJ witnessed firsthand the challenges of living with cystic fibrosis through his cousin, Ian. The limitations of the disease impacted TJ. Through Ian, TJ saw the importance of research and organ donations. In 2011, a double lung transplant transformed Ian’s life.

Cystic fibrosis is a complex disease and impacts each person differently. The trajectory of the disease is respiratory failure. While significant advancements have been made in treatments and sophisticated organ transplants offer hope, there is no cure.

Join the Lighthouse Foundation in our mission, as we participate in fundraising events, contribute financially and help build awareness for cystic fibrosis.

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people worldwide living with MS


MS is 3x more common in females than males


people worldwide living with CF


new cases of CF annually

Impact Stories


Support the Lighthouse Foundation, founded by TJ and Amber Brodie, in their mission to combat MS, CF, and other critical causes.

Your donation brings hope and help to those in need.
Join us in making a difference today.

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